Preparing for life after pregnancy

In 2021, I became first a first time mum. Postpartum life was a whirlwind for me to say the least. I didn't take to motherhood as easy as others said I would. This left me with feelings of self doubt, fear and even regret at times. This of course past like all season in life and I could not feel better about becoming a mum. 

Now I am 36 weeks pregnant preparing for baby number 2 and the discussion my husband and I are having to prepare are vastly different second time around. 

What we discussed last time - 

  • Baby Monitors
  • Breast Pumps
  • Car Seats
  • Pram
  • Packing a Hospital Bag
  • Announcing the Baby
  • Newborn Photographer
  • Childcare
  • Where the Baby Sleeps

Don't get me wrong all of these are worthy topics and of course when your becoming parents for the first time you want to discuss the fun and exciting things, but there was room for some more beneficial topics!

Here is what we are discussing now - 

  • How we deal with sleep deprivation - THIS IS HUGE, BE KIND TO EACH OTHER. 
  • Extended family, visitors and boundaries for both mother and father
  • If/how you will be sharing night wake ups and feedings
  • Self-care. What are your non-negotiables, a hot shower? A walk around the block alone? Whatever it might be, to make you feel like you.
  • Breastfeeding and what happens if it doesn’t go to plan
  • Building a support system
  • My partners role in the babies and my daily routine
  • Mental health checks for both parents, how to approach the conversation and where to get help. 

There is no right or wrong way to prepare for parenthood but I hope this can help start important conversations that you and your partner or support person has been avoiding. 

We hope that some of these tips help you, Mama. Do you have any tips for preparing for a new baby we might have missed? Help us share the love with our Dear Mamahood community by emailing us at

With love,

The Dear Mamas xx

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